
Hulya Seferoglu
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey

Spring 2004

1. Introduction

The goal of equalizers is to eliminate intersymbol interference (ISI)  and the additive noise as much as possible. Intersymbol interference arises because of the spreading of a transmitted pulse due to the dispersive nature of the channel, which results in overlap of adjacent pulses. In Fig. 1, there is a four-level pulse amplitude modulated signal (PAM), x(t). This signal is transmitted through the channel with impulse response h(t). Then noise n(t) is added. The received signal r(t) is a distorted signal.


                              Figure 1: Block diagram of transmission channel


Equalizers are used to overcome the negative effects of the channel. In general, equalization is partitioned into two broad categories;



                             Figure 2:  General channel and equalizer pair


These type of equalizers can be grouped as preset or adaptive equalizers. Preset equalizers assume that the channel is time invariant and try to find H(f) and design equalizer depending on H(f). The examples of these equalizers are zero forcing equalizer, minimum mean square error equalizer, and desicion feedback equalizer. Adaptive equalizers assume channel is time varying channel and try to design equalizer filter whose filter coefficients are varying in time according to the change of channel, and try to eliminate ISI and additive noise at each time. The implicit assumption of adaptive equalizers is that the channel is varying slowly.


In the following, there will be brief explanation on how adaptive equalizers work, then linear minimum mean square error equalizer (stochastic gradient algorithm) with simulations and adaptive desicion feedback equalizer with simulations will be shown.


2. Brief overview of adaptive equalizers

The general block diagram of an adaptive equalizer is shown in Fig. 3.


Figure 3: General block diagram of an adaptive equalizer


The working principles of adaptive equalizers are in the following:



There are two modes that adaptive equalizers work;


3. Stochastic Gradient Algorithm

The main idea behind stochastic gradient algorithm (linear adaptive equalizer) is to minimize the mean square error between the signals that one is the output of the equalizer, and another is the transmitted signal. However, since the number of samples that receiver gets is finite, mean square is calculated by using time averages instead of ensemble averages. Now that, there is an error definition, the aim is to find equalizer coefficients that minimize the mean square error. The resultant adaptation algorithm (it is also named LMS algorithm) becomes;




Where  is the coefficient vector at time k+1 ,  is the coefficient vector at time k,  is the step size parameter,  is the error signal at time k between the equalized signal and transmitted signal in training mode and between the equalized signal and the equalized and quantized signal in desicion directed mode. For further information about derivation of adaptation algorithm (3.1) and the working principle of general LMS algorithm please refer to [1] , [2], and [3].

In the following, there will be simulations of stochastic gradient algorithm for two different channels. The impulse response of the first channel is raised cosine function and it results spectral expansion, and the second channel is a channel having nulls on the spectrum. In addition, the first parts of the simulations will work on the training mode and the second parts will work on the desicion directed mode. The simulations will be performed for 3rd degree adaptive filter and 11th degree adaptive filter.


Case I:





                                    Figure 4: Channel magnitude response


Figure 5:  Original signal, observed signal, equalized signal and quantized signal in the training  mode.



                    Figure 6: Error signals before/after the slicer while equalizer is on training mode.



                   Figure 7: Magnitude spectrum and impulse response of the equalizer working on training  

                                                                   mode and at sample 1000



               Figure 8: Original signal, observed signal, equalized signal and quantized signal in the

                                                         desicion directed mode.


               Figure 9: Error signals before the slicer and after the slicer while equalizer working on its

                                                                   desicion directed mode.


                  Figure 10: Magnitude spectrum and impulse response of the equalizer working on desicion

                                                       directed mode  and at sample 5000



Fig.4 shows that the channel frequency response of the transmission system behaves as a low-pass filter. Since equalizers try to eliminate the negative effects of the channel, we can say that the adaptive equalizer should be a high-pass filter. Fig. 7 and 10 shows that our guess is true. If we examine the error signals, we can see that at the beginning of the training mode there are errors. The reason of this is that the equalizer tries to adapt itself to the channel and achives this after some period of time. Another point in here is that after training mode is completed, desicion directed mode begins. In desicion directed mode actual data transmission begins. The reference signal is output of the equalizer instead of the training signal. In spite of this, the error level is still low in the desicion directed mode. The reason of this is that the equalizer adapted itself to the channel at the end of training mode. After this time the channel is not changed. The only change comes from the randomness of the noise. However, if the channel is slowly varying channel instead of our channel, the equalizer continues to track channel for some time duration. Even in our case, after sime time interval, error level becomes to increase, in Fig. 9. To overcome this problem, training signal is sent after some time duration. If the number of equalizer filter coefficients are smaller, for example, the number of coefficients is 3, the adaptation time in the training mode reduces, however, the amount of error in the desicion directed mode increases. The example code can be found in adaptive_equalizer2.m


In the following, there are simulation results for a different channel. This channel has nulls on the spectrum.


Case II:


In the following, there are simulation results of this case. 




                      Figure 11:  Channel magnitude response


                 Figure 12:  Original signal, observed signal, equalized signal and quantized signal in the

                                                       training  mode.



                    Figure 13: Error signals before the slicer and after the slicer while equalizer working on

                                                                         its training mode.


                   Figure 14: Magnitude spectrum and impulse response of the equalizer working on training

                                                                mode and at sample 1000



                  Figure 15: Original signal, observed signal, equalized signal and quantized signal in the

                                                              desicion directed mode.


                   Figure 16: Error signals before the slicer and after the slicer while equalizer working on its

                                                                     desicion directed mode.



                 Figure 17: Magnitude spectrum and impulse response of the equalizer working on desicion

                                                  directed mode  and at sample 5000.



In many ways Case II is similar to Case I. However, channel magnitude spectrum has a null in the middle frequency region. Due to this property of the channel, amount of error that equalizer results increase rapidly after training mode is ended. (The average error in the desicion directed mode is E = -31.7064 dB). This drawback of linear adaptive equalizers can be overcomed by using desicion feedback equalizer (DFE). In the following there is a brief explanation of adaptive DFE and then simulations will be shown.


4. Adaptive Desicion Feedback Equalizer

    Figure 18: Block diagram of the adaptive desicion feedbak equalizer














In the following, there are simulations of adaptive DFE for the channel having spectral null on the middle frequency range. The simulations for the raised cosine channel is not included here, because there is not any performance enhancement for this case. Therefore, we can say that adaptive DFE performs better for the channels having spectral nulls. The Matlab code of adaptive DFE for raised cosine channel can be found in adaptive_equalizer4.m .




In the following, there are simulation results of this case.


                                           Figure 19: Magnitude spectrum of the channel


             Figure 20: Original signal, observed signal, equalized signal and quantized signal in the

    training  mode.


                       Figure 21: Error signals before the slicer and after the slicer while equalizer working on

                                                              its training mode.


                 Figure 22: Magnitude response and impulse response of precursor equalizer working on its

                                                          training mode and at sample 997.


                Figure 23: Magnitude response and impulse response of postcursor equalizer working on its

                                                              training mode and at sample 997.


               Figure 24: Original signal, observed signal, equalized signal and quantized signal in the

                                                      desicion directed mode.


                  Figure 25: Error signals before the slicer and after the slicer while equalizer working on its
                                                              desicion directed mode.



                 Figure 26: Magnitude response and impulse response of precursor equalizer working on its

                                               desicion directed mode and at sample 4997.



                 Figure 27: Magnitude response and impulse response of postcursor equalizer working on its

                                                       desicion directed mode and at sample 4997.



In this experiment, the channel has spectral nulls on the middle frequency region. Adaptive desicion feedback equalizer tries to minimize the negative effects of the channel with its precursor and postcursor equalizers. Fig. 21 and 25, it is shown that the error level is less than that of the linear adaptive equalizer. In addition, there is not a significant increase in the desicion directed mode while time is passing. The average error in the desicion directed mode is E = -46.6790 dB. Adaptive desicion feedback algorithm works well for the channels with spectral nulls and low noise power condition. If the noise level is high, adaptive DFE does not perform well.


5. Conclusion

In this work, adaptive equalizers are examined. Stochastic gradient algorithm and adaptive desicion feedback equalizers are simulated for different channel responses and the results are compared. This work can be expanded by using time varying channels and by using different signal-to-noise ratio’s.


6. References:

[1] E. A. Lee, D. G. Messerschmitt, “Digital Communication”, Second Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands , 1994

[2] S. Haykin, “Adaptive Filter Theory”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996

[3] S. D. Stearns, R. A. David, “Signal Processing Algorithms in Matlab”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996